Upgrade your shipyard operations with our premium range of cleaning solutions designed to effectively tackle oil and grease contamination. Address any oil spill clean up with our environmentally friendly BIOTERGE dispersant.
From degreasers to lacquer thinners, our comprehensive selection ensures efficient and safe cleaning for a variety of marine applications:
![Mobile Solvent & Supply Bioterge industrial degreaser in a polydrum used in marine contexts](
Oil and Grease Dispersant
BIOTERGE is an exclusive formulation that chemically bonds with oil molecules, making each molecule water-soluble so that naturally occurring microorganisms can break them down. This renders oil molecules non-polluting and non-toxic.
When oil is broken up into individual molecules and made water-soluble, it disperses into water and can no longer “float up” to form slicks and sheens on the surface of the water. This scattering effect also brings the oil more quickly into contact with naturally occurring microorganisms and speeds up biodegradation. The oil is so widely dispersed that it cannot coat beaches or birds and animals that live and feed in the water.
BIOTERGE solubilizes hydrocarbon solvents and makes them non-flammable when properly dispersed in water in unconfined areas.
Degreaser and Emulsion Cleaner
COLD WASH COMPOUND is a blend of deep penetrating emulsifiers and solvents formulated to be gentle on hands. It will dissolve and suspend heavy oils and grease. Adding it to water forms an efficient emulsion cleaner. It forms a high quality, economical degreaser when diluted with solvent such as kerosene, stoddard solvent, and diesel fuel.
COLD WASH COMPOUND penetrates and removes dirt, grease, and oils from metals, concrete, and other surfaces. After greases and oils are dissolved and soils are suspended, they may be easily emulsified and flushed away with water spray. It is recommended anywhere greasy soils are a problem. It may be used to clean engines, trucks, machinery, well drilling rigs, printing machines, office machines, and other greasy equipment. It will remove bunker oils, motor sludge, oil spills, grease, tar, asphalt, and fuel oils. It is widely recommended in the marine industry as a bilge cleaner and emulsion degreaser.
Parts Cleaner
PARTS WASHER SOLVENT is a high quality, high flash point, low odor petroleum solvent. It is made for use in soak tanks or recirculating solvent parts washers. This product rapidly and safely removes even stubborn, baked-on grease from all metals (without causing rust or corrosion) and most rubber and plastics. Oil reclaimers can use the spent solvent in fuel oil if it is not contaminated with carburetor cleaners, flammable solvents, etc.
PARTS WASHER SOLVENT is recommended for use in automotive repair shops; car, truck, and heavy equipment dealers; marine repair yards; oil wells; public works departments; industrial, railroad, and building maintenance; or anywhere that grease and oil are a problem.
Bilge Cleaner Concentrate
SHIP-SHAPE is an exclusive formulation that chemically bonds with oil and grease molecules, thus making them water-soluble. Mild agitation keeps oil and grease suspended and prevents molecules from floating to the surface. This product is water-based and contains no hydrocarbon solvents or other combustible materials.
SHIP-SHAPE provides an effective, safer alternative to combustible solvent blends.
SYT 2010
Shipyard Thinner
SYT 2010 is our universal cleaning solvent. It is especially effective in shipyard contexts and can be used to clean up oil- based paints, lacquers, and epoxies.